Get an all-in-one solution that increases your own efficiency and flexibility while improving the quality of your lessons, increasing control, and keeping every student on task and ultimately increasing the quality of your grades.
NetOp School Software
NetOp School allows you to:
Share any screen with the class
Follow students as they work and lend a hand where and when it is needed
Control which applications can be used
Distribute and collect documents from students
Create and perform regular tests with immediate individual feedback
Functions & Benefits
– Broadcast screens
Guide all students at once or have students show their solutions to all for greater involvement. NetOp School is a great replacement for traditional and expensive AV equipment
– Pass the chalk
Pass keyboard control to any student to share documents and screens for increased collaboration and student participation.
– Create and perform tests
NetOp School lets you design and administer tests that grade the students in real-time and help record the lesson. So now, you will know immediately what lessons need repetition.
– Automatic launch of documents and applications
Useful for testing and managing the classroom, the teacher can launch any application or document, including web pages.
– Distribute and collect documents
Offline tests and assignments can be distributed easily and centrally, and students can place homework in designated folders for easy collection.
– Monitor students
Rather than wandering the classroom, the teacher can monitor the progress of individual students directly on screen.
– Create policies for internet and application use
The Policy feature enables the teacher to control internet and application use. This extensive security functionality ensures that students stay on track.
– Create workgroups
When breaking the class up into smaller groups, appointed group leaders gain full Teacher module functionalities while the teacher maintains overall control.
– Communicate with chat and video
Provide discreet and direct help to students. The teacher can also speak directly with the students via headset and/or webcam.
– Auto-join session
If students log in late, they can automatically join in an ongoing session. This ensures a minimum of disruption for the other students.
– Prepare computerized lessons at home
Carry the Teacher program on a USB stick and prepare assignments and tests at home without pre-installing software.
Call now
Isn’t it time your institution benefited from the best deals on discount NetOp software?
Call now on 02895 810 850 to discuss your options with one of our experienced advisors.